The Beginning - My first blog

The Beginning - My first blog

Ever since I got hooked up with the cyberspace, I have always been lured by the amount of information easily available over every subject on the internet. There is so much that I have learnt from the various blogs and website articles which I might not be able to learn merely from textbooks. TLDR; I owe a lot to the internet and people who share their knowledge through blogs. Though, my purpose is not to be another blogger here or start out being an expert on something. All I wanna do is to pen down my insights in a more organised manner that might be useful to other people.

What I am excited about all the time is the growth that happens when you are surrounded by great ideas and how interactions can be an eye opener a lot of times. That is why all we need is an honest conversation to happen around our life experiences whether good or bad.

While the life is a much more stochastic game, having someone to share their experience can provide a meaningful prior to initialise your problem-solving algorithm.

This is my philosophy behind starting my own blog to share my experience and also get insights from people whenever possible.